The fitness industry has long been over saturated with diet obsessed culture.  We’ve been brainwashed from a very early age to believe that our self worth is directly related to our size. Here at The Studio we’re calling bullshit. Enough. We aren’t a ‘burn it to earn it’ studio. Our mission is to create a safe space where people are encouraged and supported to connect, heal and grow through life-changing classes taught by empowering teachers. 


No shame if weight loss is one of your goals, we support all your health goals, whatever your reason for being here – we celebrate it, support it and love it! We won’t talk about weight loss or appearance as a goal of our classes. It may be a byproduct of you showing up for yourself, and that can be something you celebrate. The reason for weight loss or gain is deeply personal and not always reflective of your well being, and therefore not a welcome topic of discussion.  As far as we are concerned your weight is one of the least interesting things about you!  People walk into the studio every day for different reasons – injury recovery, mental health, community, escape – and all are of equal worth. 


We firmly believe that in order to be your best, you gotta feel your best. Every time you show up on your mat you are an athlete and your body needs to be treated as such. As an athlete you need adequate calories- including carbs* and of course protein*. We’ve included articles written by Dr. Stacy Sims, she points out that the villainization of carbs needs to stop – carbs are essential in fueling high intensity activities (hello IHP & IHP weights!) and help sustain energy during workouts longer than forty-five minutes. Fueling your body properly often has less to do with your calorie count, but more to do with what kind of calories you are using for your fuel! It’s important for women athletes to pay attention to their fuel depending on where they are in their cycle to optimize their athletic goals. Depending on where women are in their cycle, due to hormone fluctuation they may need to eat more protein to support their training and recovery. 


*We’ve chosen to share articles written by Dr. Stacy Sims, her research focuses on female athletes. This is a conscious decision based on how readily available information is for male athletes, most nutritional information is derived from studies done on men.