Our Vision

A diverse and compassionate community of people who feel strong and healthy in their bodies and minds.

Our Mission

To create a safe space where people are encouraged and supported to connect, heal and grow through life-changing classes taught by empowering teachers.

Our Core Values


Continually striving to provide a safe and accessible space for all students; intentionally engaging with, and seeking out opportunities to learn from diverse partners.


Committed to providing a unique complementary series of classes that work together to holistically support healthy bodies from the inside out.


Creating an environment where people both honor their body and their unique needs while protecting and valuing our shared space and the needs of others.


Celebrating the diverse places we arrive from with a shared purpose to feel better.


Showing up, and following through.

When is the last time you trained your spine out of neutral spine? All this month we are working spine here at The Studio- what a great opportunity to learn how your back moves (or doesn’t.) One of our biggest goals here at The Studio is to empower people to feel their best and one of the ways to feel your best is to learn how to move, control and strengthen your back.

Do yourself a favor and get to Kinstretch this month. See you on your mats!
class is always more fun with friends. we love our community here and we love when you bring your energy, excitement, enthusiasm and dance moves to the room. #thestudiouv #community #bringit
Teachers are commonly asked about our press moves in weights classes - and we get it there are a lot and keeping them all straight can be tough. Here is a visual to help you see what we mean. You likely to use your heaviest weight for your push press b/c you are incorporating your legs into the move, the other press moves really isolate your shoulder muscles - so you should be using your medium or medium heavy, depending on where you are in your strength training. Check out the video and let us know if you have any questions - we’re here to help! Always!  #liftheavyshit #lift #infernoweights