Our Annual Staff Training on January 4th focused on Antiracism led by Dr. Monea. Dr. Monea, a racial justice speaker, trainer and yoga teacher, guided us through many thought-provoking activities over Zoom, including examining our role in systemic racism, while outlining key points in the antiracism learning journey like; take the lessons and leave the stories, expect & accept non-closure, listen for understanding, and anticipate impact.

We chose this particular training to deepen our awareness of systemic racial inequities, the power of privilege, and how to build trust across racial, gender, cultural, and physical differences.

These trainings help us to better execute our Mission; To create a safe space where people are encouraged and supported to connect, heal and grow through life-changing classes taught by empowering teachers.
However, our responsibility to learn and become better ancestors is not limited to just one training. This is an enduring journey for us, and, as members of The Studio community, we invite you to prioritize learning and unlearning alongside us every day.

We are deeply committed to our core value of inclusivity AND also recognize that our community at The Studio mirrors the demographics of the twin states, mostly white. We own that, and our responsibility to educate ourselves so we can better show up as advocates and allies.

Interested in learning more from and about Dr. Monea? Dr. Monea is guided by Dr. King’s racial justice philosophy and fuses her Ph.D. in Sociology, over 16 years of Federal Government service, 500- hour yoga teacher certification, non-profit work, professorship, and mommy intuition for this important work. You can find her and her work at Moneatamara.com
You can find more social justice resources indexed on our website: https://thestudiouv.com/social-justice-resources/ as well as on our social media channels.

We honor that we arrive at this work from different places and perspectives and that there is no one “right” fit/resource. Did we get something wrong or miss an important piece of information or context? Please let us know.